
Thursday, September 8, 2016

Donald Trump pledges big US military expansion

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Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump, has said he will expand all areas of the United States military if he wins November’s election.
Mr. Trump called for more troops, more planes and more boats at a rally in Philadelphia.
He also wants U.S generals to come up with a plan to defeat the self-styled Islamic State (IS) in his first 30 days in the White House, the BBC reports.
Recent polls show the race for the presidency has narrowed.
Democrats and even some Republicans have painted Mr. Trump as unfit to serve as U.S commander-in-chief but he has made up some ground on rival Hillary Clinton.

In his speech he called his vision for the U.S military “peace through strength.”
“I am proposing a new foreign policy focused on advancing America’s core national interests, promoting regional stability, and producing an easing of tensions in the world. This will require rethinking the failed policies,” he said.
“Our adversaries are chomping at the bit,” he added.

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