
Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Donald Trump fears United states of America's election could be rigged

Image result for Trump warns U.S poll could be ‘rigged’
Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump, has suggested that the November presidential election in the United States could be “rigged.”
He told a rally in Columbus, Ohio, that he had heard “more and more” that the contest would be unfair.
He offered no immediate evidence.
At another event he called Democratic rival Hillary Clinton “the devil.”
Mr. Trump has come under fire from across the political divide for remarks he made about the parents of a U.S Muslim soldier killed in action, the BBC reports.
On the forthcoming vote, he told supporters “I’m afraid the election is going to be rigged, I have to be honest.”

He later repeated the claim on Fox News, adding “I hope the Republicans are watching closely or it’s going to be taken away from us.”
Mr. Trump has made similar comments before in relation to the Democratic race, suggesting the party fixed its system to favour nominee Hillary Clinton over her challenger Bernie Sanders.
Earlier this year, he also complained the Republican primary system was also “rigged” amid party efforts to stop his march to the candidacy.

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