
Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Doris Simeon reunites with son in United states of America

Doris simeon

Ademinokan had posted a lengthy letter were he lamasted critics and rumour peddllers calling on them to stop spreading falsehood.

Part of the letter read thus: “…I have been accused of being evasive on this matter by declin­ing to grant interviews to the press. Call it silence, foolishness but it is how I have chosen to handle this. David has continued to have a healthy relationship with his mother and it has never stopped. I am not one who posts every single detail of his fam­ily’s private life on social media but today, I will share with the ‘hateful people’ and kind hearted fans alike just two of the pictures of David and his mother, taken here in Atlanta a few months ago on one of her numerous visits. Do I have to post every phone conversation, picture and visit for everyone to sleep at night? LOL.

“Please, let us raise our son in peace. I am praying for God to give the ‘bitter people’, ‘jobless people’ and ‘sad-u-sees’ some­thing more meaningful to do with their time rather than fabri­cate stories that are non-existent for their personal, momentary and monetary satisfaction, totally oblivious of the fact that they are tarnishing the character and name that some of us have spent.

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