
Friday, October 23, 2015

Two more women accuse Bill Cosby of sexual assault and rape

Two more women came forward in New York Friday to accuse disgraced US comedian Bill Cosby of rape and sexual assault, as a celebrity lawyer warned there were more to come.

More than 50 women have already publicly claimed abuse at the hands of the pioneering African-American comedian who played a beloved family doctor on hit 1980s sitcom “The Cosby Show.”

Cosby’s attorneys repeatedly deny any wrongdoing by the 78-year-old comedian, who has gone from megastar to pariah over allegations of sexual misconduct spanning four decades.

A woman who gave her name only as Dottye said she was an aspiring actress in 1984 when she auditioned for Cosby at his New York home one evening when she was 30-years-old.

She said he pressed a drink into her hands to calm her nerves. She took a few sips and remembered him saying: “Relax, we are going to do an exercise” and spinning her around the room.

“Once he stopped spinning me, I was dizzy and disoriented, and sick. Within seconds I began to vomit all over myself and his rug,” she told the news conference.

Cosby removed her clothes and took her upstairs to wash her in a bathroom, before raping her in a hallway, she said.

“He leaned me against the chest, raised my robe, and raped me. Next Cosby took me… into the dining room, and laid me on the floor where he continued his assault,” she said.

“I couldn’t believe the man I respected as an actor and educator was doing this to me. I couldn’t understand why I could not, did not, fight him off,” she added.

– No one knew what to do –

Despite her alleged ordeal, Dottye accepted his invitation to watch a taping of “The Cosby Show,” going to the studio for at least a season saying that as an actress she wanted to learn.

She showed reporters a “Cosby Show” jacket, meant only for members of the cast and crew, which she said Cosby had made with her name embroidered on the front.

Donna Barrett, an attractive woman dressed in a green jacket and pale green scarf, said she met Cosby in April 2004 at an international track meet at the University of Pennsylvania.

As she posed for a photograph with her team, she said Cosby grabbed her from behind, forcefully pulling her backside into his private parts.

She held up a copy of the photograph showing Cosby wrapping his arms around her from behind.

“He had me locked down against his body without my consent or desire,” she said. She said she complained to officials, but that “no one knew what to do.”

Celebrity attorney Gloria Allred said more alleged victims were also preparing to go public against Cosby.

Allred represents many of the women, who often tell remarkably similar stories of being drugged and sexually assaulted or raped.

In a lurid 2005 court deposition, Cosby admitted obtaining Quaaludes to have sex with at least one woman, obtaining seven prescriptions for the sedative and giving them to other people.

A California judge this month refused to throw out a lawsuit filed by a woman who claims Cosby sexually assaulted her when she was 15, denying it would stop him having a fair trial.

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