
Sunday, October 25, 2015

Selena Gomez: Stop Bullying on the internet, find someone to admire

Singer-and-actress Selena Gomez urges people who dislike her to stop focusing on bullying and instead find someone to admire.

Despite legions of loyal fans, there are still some people out there that love to take the 23-year-old star down a peg or two via mean messages on social networking sites. It used to get the better of her but these days she can see it for the pathetic behaviour it is.

"I've finally understood the internet is not the real world!" she told Germany's Bravo magazine. "I just feel sorry for the people who vent their anger online. How is it possible to be so negative? Those who don't like me don't have to listen to my music or look at my photos. Instead of bullying others, they should look for someone they think is cool - and be happy!"

Rather than let nasty comments get her down, the pretty brunette focuses on the opinions of people who really matter. She counts Taylor Swift among her closest friends and will always go to loved ones when she needs advice.

"I really rely on my two housemates for example," she smiled. "I finally moved away from home last year and now live with two friends. Neither of them is in any way involved in the music industry but they're always the first to hear my new songs. I really appreciate their honesty and that's why I always take their opinions to heart. That's the complete opposite to the way I look at the comments trolls make. It used to really get me down but these days I just greet my haters with a smile!"

Selena is too busy for negative influences anyway, with the star currently promoting new album Revival.

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