
Sunday, September 20, 2015

Sarah Snyder's troubles with the Law attracted Jaden Smith to her

Jaden Smith, 17, has been hot and heavy with Sarah Snyder, 19, for a little bit, and the reaction from his loved ones has been mixed — but Jaden doesn’t care a bit! He definitely knows that his lady has a criminal record, but why should that matter? He finds it totally hot

Jaden and Sarah’s relationship has been under major scrutiny since it was revealed that she had been arrested twice in the past, once for breaking and entering in 2013, and once just earlier in 2015 for stealing a pricey Hermes bag! Though his friends and family aren’t too sure about Sarah, Jaden’s standing firm: he’s totally smitten with his new girl.
Jaden knows all about her troubles with the law, and he doesn’t care
one bit,”

 “In fact, Jaden loves her more because she isn’t some goody two-shoes girl. He’s obsessed with her. He likes that she has an edge.”

“[Sarah] definitely seems more worldly and experienced than Jaden. He follows her around like a little puppy dog,” our source said. Well, well. Jaden likes himself some danger! It’s putting it lightly that Sarah’s not some little
pollyanna; she’s definitely has that edge that Jaden’s looking for.

It’s cute that Jaden’s so taken by his new girl! But maybe he should listen to his mother, Jada Pinkett Smith, before he gets in too deep; she’s worried that her son is attaching himself to a girl who’s already dated some of his friends — and has those troubles with the law, of course!

It looks like Jaden’s not going to worry about what anyone else has to say about this issue anymore. He’s got a new relationship that he’s having fun with, and if his super-PDA with Sarah is any indication, he’s totally smitten. You do you, guys!

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