
Saturday, September 19, 2015

Check Out Idris Elba's muscles as he leaves the Gym as fit as ever

Idris Elba was spotted leaving the gym looking mighty fine with his biceps, triceps and every other arm muscle group we can think of bulging from his shirt. The rumored next James Bond dressed in all black for his work out, and he must have had a serious exercise session because he looks pretty fatigued. That, or the person on the phone is stressing him out!
The No Good Deed actor has been caught looking...big...before, when a paparazzi photo showed Elba with a massive bulge. It turned out to be a mic wire, but that didn't stop everyone from freaking out about it.
"It happened over night. It was huge," Elba recently told E! News. "It was on the news. That's bizarre to me."
He added, "Everyone is size obsessed."

Even though he was confused by the entire hubbub he still managed to turn the whole ordeal in to a hilarious joke. "Calvin Klein called my mobile, they want me in their next campaign," he tweeted. "Foot long john's Coming Winter 2014. #egowentintospaceshipmodethough"

We wouldn't mind him being the next face of Calvin Klein, or the next James Bond! Author Anthony Horowitz might have said he was "too street" to play the super spy, but we couldn't disagree more, and neither could the people at Vulture. When the world exploded at Horowitz's words, Vulture took action and spliced all of Elba's badass roles together with bits from the upcoming Spectre and made one heck of a would-be trailer.

Daniel Craig is phenomenal, don't get us wrong, but Elba would be absolutely phenomenal in the 007 series. Just look at those muscles! He's definitely fit enough to take down any bad guy who comes his way.

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